Daylighting in buildings - szkoła letnia na Uniwersytecie Lund w Szwecji

Zapraszamy na 7-dniową szkołę letnią, która odbędzie się na Uniwersytecie w Lund w Szwecji we współpracy z Università degli Studi della Tuscia od 17–24 sierpnia 2024 r. Zapisy zostały wydłużone do 15 czerwca. Poprzednia edycja tej szkoły letniej miała miejsce na Politechnice Gdańskiej w 2023 roku. Uwaga! Obowiązują opłaty: 400 euro dla studentów biorących udział w warsztatach stacjonarnie (zapewnione noclegi i częściowo wyżywienie) oraz 300 euro zdalnie.

What is it?

A seven-day boot camp run by daylighting experts. This is an engaging way to learn, get full daylighting work experience and meet a network of industry professionals and companies.

The summer school is aimed at both Masters and PhD students but also at professionals interested in an intensive study programme.

Where and when will it be?

The summer school will be held in Sweden, organized by Lund University in collaboration with Università degli Studi della Tuscia from 17 to 24 August, 2024.

What does it include?

  • Six days of seminars and activites
  • A project work developed under the supervision of experts
  • One technical tour to discover the architecture of Lund
  • Presentation of the works in a public event

What is the program?

The program stretches over a week with activities including a training program, a technical tour and a final event in connection with the gdynia design days.

In detail:

  • Day 1: Welcome meeting + Keynotes
  • Day 2: Daylighting Technical Safari in Lund + Keynotes
  • Day 3-6: Masterclasses and groups work
  • Day 7: Final event


It is possible to apply for the Summer School from 3 May until 31 May 2024.

The application will be available within the NLITED platform.

24 people will be selected from among the applicants according to the selection criteria (see below). Places are available for both students and professionals.

For more information, please write to

Participation fee

You can participate in summer school in two ways. On-site participation with an immersive experience with other participants and teachers, or online participation, living a remote experience but receiving the same level of preparation.


 Fee : 2,000 € incl. VAT

The rate includes

  • participation in masterclasses and keynotes
  • team work with experts supervision
  • six nights in a single room with breakfast
  • all lunches and refreshments during the school days
  • welcome and final dinner
  • one technical tour (trip, meal, and tour guide)

PN: travel costs are NOT included


 Fee : 400 € incl. VAT

The rate includes

  • participation in masterclasses and keynotes
  • team work with experts supervision
  • six nights in a double room with breakfast
  • all lunches and refreshments during the school days
  • welcome and final dinner
  • one technical tour (trip, meal, and tour guide)

PN: travel costs are NOT included

C) ONLINE PARTICIPATION (to be confirmed*)

Fee: 300 € incl. VAT

The rate includes

  • online participation in masterclasses

NB team work with experts supervision IS NOT INCLUDED

*The activiation of this fee option will be confirmed soon


More information and registration:

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