Forest Urbanism - warsztaty w Brukseli

Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w warsztatach urbanistycznych w Brukseli: 20th International Landscape Urbanism Design Workshop

3-14 września 2018

Sonian Forest / Brussels

Szczegóły na stronie internetowej i ulotce.

Opis warsztatów od organizatora:

How to reconcile the safeguarding of an essential component of nature with increasing pressures of urban development? During the course of the last decade, OSA has intensively explored forest urbanisms in various contexts. OSA is excited to co-organise with the three Belgian regions its 20th International Landscape Urbanism Design Workshop from September 3rd until 14th on the Sonian Forest, the largest remaining forest and UNESCO world heritage in the vicinity of Brussels, Belgium. The Sonian Forest is simultaneously a monumental ecological asset and at the heart of the ever-expanding metropolitan area that literally envelopes it. Both forest and city are under intensive stress and in dire need of a shared vision, strategic operations and a variety of actions and measures to guarantee their mutual sustainable development. Their relationship urgently requires clarification and contradictory conditions to be reconciled: accessibility with conservation, urban development with ecological restoration, new programming with stewardship, etc. The design workshop will investigate the Sonian Forest and develop projects and scenarios that couple ambition with applicability, range from regional to micro scales, and combine ecology with urbanism and forestry with urban design. The workshop is organized in close interaction with all relevant stakeholders.

The landscape urbanism design workshop is intended as a catalyst for rethinking the region’s fundamental nature/ culture relationship and how various stakeholders can reimagine future relationships of forests and urbanism while finding new ways to cooperate. OSA wholeheartedly invites young and energetic graduates in architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, urban design and town planning, and forestry to participate in this international workshop. Candidates are invited to send a cv and motivation letter to (application deadline 20 July 2018) The workshop, that has room for 20-25 participants, will be directed by Bruno De Meulder and Kelly Shannon (both OSA-KULeuven), Roselyne de Lestrange (UCL Louvain, tbc) and Jo Decoster (Horizon +). It will include guest lectures and feedback from landscape architect Michel Desvigne from Paris and professor Anders Busse Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) an expert on dynamic vegetation designs. Invited experts from various fields will give punctual inputs and interactions with stakeholders systematically organised. Selected participants are expected to arrive in the Sonian Forest on Sunday evening (2 September) in order to begin with introductions by regional stakeholders and an extensive bike tour. All accommodation (at the ‘De Hagaard’ te Overijse youth hostel) and meals will be provided. The work place will be Kasteel Groenendaal in the forest

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