Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w wydarzeniu online, które będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim. Wydarzenie będzie dotyczyło form funkcjonowania miast pod wpływem pandemii.
Global Mayors: Cultural Leadership through Crisis
hosted by the World Cities Culture Forum
17.00 GMT, 29 October 2020
Our cities face the unprecedented challenge of recovering from the impacts of the pandemic. Culture will play a vital role in this recovery, boosting our economy day and night and inspiring, entertaining and bringing people together. Throughout this crisis, we have seen how people have turned to culture to connect with one another during isolation. Culture is in the DNA of our world cities, but it is under threat and deeply impacted by COVID-19.
A panel of Global Mayors will come together to reflect on learnings from their responses to the pandemic, and make the case for culture in recovery across our cities.
Please register to attend here by 23 October.