The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture is honoured to host the 30th International Seminar of Urban Form conference (ISUF2023) in Belgrade, Serbia in September 2023.
ISUF 2023 presents a great opportunity to rethink the Praxis of urban morphology, perceived as a process by which theory/idea is enacted, embodied and realized, especially in the thirtieth year of jubilee.
Having in mind the importance of Warsaw University of TechnologyFaculty of Architecture within academic environment, we would like to invite you to distribute the call for ISUF 2023 CONFERENCE among your institutional network and that you will also consider submitting a paper yourself.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15th February 2023. Shortly after the deadline for submission, valid abstracts will be reviewed by March 2023.
More information about the conference is available on the official conference website
The submission is organized through
Best regards on behalf of Organizing Committee ISUF2023,
Vladan Đokić, Aleksandra Đorđević, ISUF 2023 Chairs