Zapraszamy na wykład online w języku angielskim: Post-Colonial Cities: Extractive urbanisms and climate justice

The public lecture will take place on Monday, the 7th of November, at 18:00 CET, via zoom. 

I would like to call your attention to our 4th Critical Urbanisms Public event for this semester, Fall 2022. It will be held online via Zoom on Monday, 7th of November 2022, at 18:00. The lecture by Prof. Rosa Ficek is titled: Post-Colonial Cities: Extractive urbanisms and climate justice. Prof. Ficek is a cultural anthropologist from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. The lecture aims to facilitate discussions on the relationship between colonialism, infrastructure and extractive urbanisms on the environment and climate justice today, particularly in Puerto Rico, and with wider reference to the Latin American and Caribbean Region. This lecture will be moderated by Semhar Haile, a PhD candidate in the PRECURBICA project in the Department of Urban Studies.

Please register on this link to attend the virtual lecture: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the lecture. Please visit our website for further information on the lecture and upcoming events of the department:

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