w imieniu Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej PW przekazujemy zaproszenie na seminarium "Together for sustainability: Do we expect too much from science?" organizowane wspólnie przez Ambasadę Niemiec, Ambasadę Francji i Ambasadę Austrii we współpracy z Muzeum Historii Naturalnej w Berlinie pod patronatem Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
Seminarium odbędzie się 11 stycznia 2024 r. (czwartek) w siedzibach Ambasady Niemiec i Ambasady Francji w Warszawie.
Obowiązuje rejestracja - TUTAJ. Termin rejestracji 21.12.2023 r.
Podczas seminarium omawiane będą następujące tematy:
Program seminarium:
Poniżej załączamy wiadomość od organizatorów wydarzenia:
The Embassies of Germany, France and Austria in Poland would like to welcome you at the seminar Together for sustainability: Do we expect too much from science? taking place under the patronage of the Polish Academy of Sciences and with participation of the Natural History Museum, Berlin.
The main event venue will be the German Embassy (Jazdów 12, Warsaw), with the French Embassy (Piękna 1, Warsaw) accommodating some of the working groups.
The role of science in the necessary transformation of our societies is getting more and more important and due to the climate crisis the urgency of actions is constantly rising. The need for new efficient tools is obvious. However, artificial intelligence (AI) systems are going to put democratic processes under a stress test.
During the seminar, under the leadership of first class experts from science, civil society, and business the following topics will be addressed:
Smart/sustainable cities: How do we solve problems where most of the people live?
Artificial Intelligence: Is it more than just a new and strong tool?
Get it done! Do we just have to “listen to science”?
Please see the agenda attached:
Please register your participation at https://ambasadaniemiec.de/together-for-sustainability by 21 December 2023 the latest.
Due to limited space we may not be able to accommodate all registrations, so please submit yours as soon as possible.
Event page:
We are looking forward to meeting you at the seminar.