Studies on the History of Architecture and Urban Planning in Poland

The annual „Studia do dziejów architektury i urbanistyki w Polsce” („Studies on the History of Architecture and Urban Planning in Poland”) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Articles are published in Polish with abstracts in English.

The call for papers for subsequent annuals is continuous.

All articles submitted to the annual journal undergo double-blind peer review.

There is no charge to authors for submitting an article for publication.


The original version of the journal is digital. All articles are available for download in open access under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. licence.



International Index Copernicus database, ICI Journals Master List;

- ICV 2022: 47.30

- ICV 2023: 63.22


- BazTech, PBN, PW Knowledge Base



Warsaw University of Technology

Headquarters: Faculty of Architecture, 55 Koszykowa Street, 00-695 Warsaw


Editorial address:

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology

55 Koszykowa St., room 15, 00-695 Warsaw



The journal is financed by the Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology. Printing and binding: Warsaw University of Technology Press, 50 Polna St., 00-644 Warsaw


Printing and binding:

Warsaw University of Technology Publishing House (Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej)

50 Polna St., 00-644 Warsaw


ISSN 2657-5795

ISSN 2956-591X (Online)

Indeks PR 21361

MEiN list (2023): 20 points