Studies on the History of Architecture and Urban Planning in Poland 2023 (vol. 6)
ISSN 2657-5795
ISSN 2956-591X (Online)
Indeks PR 21361
Maria Brykowska
Gardens in the hermitages of the Camaldolese, Carthusian and Discalced Carmelite orders in the 17th and 18th Centuries (part 1)
Ogrody w pustelniach zakonów kamedułów, kartuzów i karmelitów bosych w XVII i XVIII wieku (część 1)
Studies 2023, vol. 6, pp. 82-135
received: October 29, 2023
accepted: November 26, 2023
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. license.
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Michał Dudkowski
The Inn in Jabłonna: A Contribution to Research into the Architectural Creativity of Szymon Bogumił Zug as well as the Architecture of the Residential Complex of Bishop Michał Poniatowski in Jabłonna
Austeria w Jabłonnie. Przyczynek do badań nad twórczością architektoniczną Szymona Bogumiła Zuga oraz architekturą zespołu rezydencjonalnego biskupa Michała Poniatowskiego w Jabłonnie
Studies 2023, vol. 6, pp. 164-181
received: July 7, 2023
accepted: October 18, 2023
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. license.
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Klara Kantorowicz, Wojciech Wółkowski
The Church in Asuny: Fritz Heitmann’s Last Design
Kościół w Asunach - ostatni projekt Fritza Heitmanna
Studies 2023, vol. 6, pp. 201-211
received: October 2, 2023
accepted: November 3, 2023
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. license.
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Klaudia Piwowarska
The Planning and Architectural History of Piaseczno: The Experimental Village near Warka
Planistyczno-architektoniczna historia doświadczalnej wsi Piaseczno koło Warki
Studies 2023, vol. 6, pp. 242-257
received: September 15, 2023
accepted: November 11, 2023
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. license.
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Małgorzata Rozbicka
Contributions to the History of the Building of Three Warsaw Architectural Building Projects of Helena and Szymon Syrkus from the Years 1937–1939
Przyczynki do historii budowy trzech warszawskich realizacji architektonicznych Heleny i Szymona Syrkusów z lat 1937-1939
Studies 2023, vol. 6, pp. 271-276
received: October 9, 2023
accepted: November 5, 2023
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. license.
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