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Deciosn no. 119_2020 on the tuition fees payable by foreigners starting education in the academic year 2020_21 at WUT
Deciosn no. 119_2020 on the tuition fees payable by foreigners starting education in the academic year 2020_21 at WUT
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Deciosn no. 119_2020 on the tuition fees payable by foreigners starting education in the academic year 2020_21 in WUT
Deciosn no. 119_2020 on the tuition fees payable by foreigners starting education in the academic year 2020_21 in WUT
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Decision no. 123_2020 on the tuition fees for courses and other forms of education in the academic year 2020_21
Decision no. 123_2020 on the tuition fees for courses and other forms of education in the academic year 2020_21
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Decision no. 89_2019 on the tuition fees for courses and other forms of education in the academic year 2019_20
Decision no. 123_2020 on the tuition fees for courses and other forms of education in the academic year 2020_21
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Decyzja_ oplat_niest_ENG
Decision nr. 123_2020 of 18 June 2020 on the tuition fees in the academic year 2020_21
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Procedura wyjazdów w ramach Erasmus+ w czasie pandemii
procedura wyjazdów w czasie pandemii
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Program studiów dla kierunku Architektura - anglojęzycznych (IDEAS) obowiązujący od r. ak. 2018/19
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Program studiów dla kierunku Architektura - polskojęzycznych obowiązujący od r. ak. 2017/18 (rekrutacja nie jest już prowadzona).
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Program studiów dla kierunku Architektura - anglojęzycznych (IDEAS) obowiązujący od r. ak. 2020/21
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