Guidelines for authors

Before submitting, check that all files have been prepared and described according to the guidelines to the text and illustrations preparation rules below, and check that the submission contains all required files:

1. article submission form - SURNAME_NAME_article submission form.doc

2. article text - SURNAME_NAME_text.doc

3. illustrations - inserted into the form in reduced resolution, together with captions for illustrations in Polish and English - SURNAME_IMAGE_illustrations.doc

4. bibliography - SURNAME_NAME_bibliography.doc

5. abstract, keywords, captions under illustrations - SURNAME_NAME_ abstract_keywords_ captions under illustrations.doc

6. statement of the author of the article - SURNAME_NAME_statement of the author of the article.doc

7. statement of the author of the article regarding the source of financing -  SURNAME_NAME_statement of the author of the article of financing.doc


8. illustrations as separate files prepared for printing in high resolution, signed sequentially: SURNAME_NAME_il_01.jpg, SURNAME_NAME_il_02.jpg, etc.



The call for papers of articles for particular annual journals is continuous. The annual closes at the end of May each year.

Articles submitted by this date, after formal verification and verification of substantive compliance with the profile of the journal, are subjected to the review procedure. After receiving two positive reviews, they are accepted for publication in the annual according to the year of the article submission.

Articles submitted after the indicated deadline, complying with the formal and substantive requirements, may be subjected to the review procedure and after its fulfillment may be accepted for publication in the next annual.


  • Authors submitting articles for publication are required to prepare texts and illustrations according to current publishing rules;
  • The editors reserve the right to make stylistic and formal corrections in the text following the rules of Polish language and editing;
  • Upon acceptance of the article, the author grants the editors an exclusive, royalty-free, unlimited license (Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0.) to use the text in „Studia do dziejów architektury i urbanistyki w Polsce” („Studies on the History of Architecture and Urban Planning in Poland”);
  • The authors are not charged for the editorial procedure, preparation for printing, and publication of articles in the annual.



The text of the article must be prepared electronically, in MS Word format: .doc, .docx, or .rtf, according to the formula:  SURNAME_NAME_text

The submitted file with the article text must be accompanied by:

  • article submission form SURNAME_NAME_article submission form
  • illustrations - inserted into the form in reduced resolution together with captions in Polish SURNAME_NAME_illustrations
  • bibliography SURNAME_NAME_bibliography
  • abstract, keywords, captions under illustrations - all components in Polish SURNAME_NAME_abstract_keywords_captions under illustrations
  • statement of the author of the article SURNAME_NAME_statement of the author of the article


  • illustrations as separate files prepared for printing in high resolution.


All files: text, article submission form, article author's statement, abstract, keywords, illustration captions, bibliography, illustrations (inserted into the form), and illustrations (as separate files at print resolution) should include in the file description the name of the author submitting the article and allow to uniquely identify the contents of the file according to the file description template:

SURNAME_NAME_article submission form.doc


SURNAME_ NAME_illustrations.doc

SURNAME_ NAME_bibliography.doc

SURAME_ NAME_image_abstract_keywords_illustrations.doc


illustrations as separate files prepared for printing in high resolution, signed consecutively: SURNAME_NAME_il_01.jpg, SURNAME_NAME_il_02.jpg, etc.


The maximum volume of the article including footnotes is 40 thousand (40 000) marks with spaces, the abstract of the article should not exceed 3 thousand (3 000) marks with spaces, and the number of illustrations should be reasonable and adequate to the content presented, while the editor reserves the right to reduce the submitted illustrative material.

The submitted text of the article should be anonymized: the authors' data and identifying information should be removed. When citing their other works or research, the author must not use wording that explicitly identifies the author of the text.

The article should be submitted in digital form via e-mail, to the address of the editor of the annual.



The text of the article should be prepared in Times New Roman CE font:

  •  title - in capital letters, in 18 pt. font, centered, bold;
  • subtitle - in capital letters, centered;
  • article text - in 12 pt. font, with 1,5 spacing, justified;

Citations (in the main text and footnotes) and titles (of literary works, studies, exhibitions, works of art, etc.) should be written in italics. Passages ignored in citations should be marked with an ellipsis in square brackets [...].


Miscellaneous notations:

  • date and page ranges are written with a long semi-pause, without spaces, e.g. 1992–1997, pp. 17–19;
  • the words: year and age – written in full, without abbreviations;
  • the seventies, the eighties etc., written numerically (1980’s, 1970’s): lata 80., lata 70.;
  • half and quarters of a century (3rd quarter of the 17th century, 1st half of the 19th century): 3. ćwierć XVII wieku, 1. połowa XIX wieku;
  • the method of writing dates in the main text (March 1, 1997; May 15, 1928; November 7-8, 1917): 1 marca 1997 roku, 15 maja 1928 roku, 7–8 listopada 1917 roku;
  • the method of writing dates in footnotes (months written in Roman numerals): 1.III.1997 roku, 15.V.1928 roku;
  • Single word numerals written in words; others – digitally, separated by space by orders of magnitude (2 300) or using abbreviations of thousand, million, billion: tys., mln, mld;
  • presenting the person in the main text of the article should be written by their full name and surname, while in footnotes the first letter of the name and full surname should be given;
  • titles (e.g. works of art, exhibitions...) should be written in italics, titles of journals - in quotes marks;
  • names of periodic events and names of institutions are written without italics, also each segment of the name with a capital letter;
  • foreign words are written in italics.



Footnotes at the bottom of the page:

In the main text, use footnotes with continuous numbering. References to publications and archival materials should be written according to the following template:

Book by a single author – initial of name (or names) and surname in full of the author, title of the publication in italics (optional: publisher – if it is a public institution and there is no author), place and date of publication, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • T. Zarębska, Teoria urbanistyki włoskiej XV i XVI wieku, Warszawa 1971, s. 7.
  • Opieka nad zabytkami i ich konserwacja, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, Warszawa 1920, s. 48.

Book by two or more authors - initial of name (or names) and surname in full of the author 1, initial of name (or names) and surname in full of the author 2, the title of the publication in italics, place and date of publication, the abbreviation of page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • M. Bieńkuńska, J. Grochulski, M. Nowak-Janicka, Architektura w szkicach Profesora Politechniki Warszawskiej Stanisława Niewiadomskiego, Warszawa 2013, s. 101.

Chapter in a monograph (scientific editor or editors written after the title of the publication) - initial of name (or names) and surname in full of the author, title of the chapter in italics, indication [w:], title of the monograph in italics, editor (or editors), place and date of publication, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • R. Kamińska, Niektóre cechy malarstwa epoki baroku w Łatgalii, [w:] Kultura artystyczna Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w epoce baroku, red. J. Kowalczyk, Warszawa 1995, s. 46.

Journal article - initial of name and surname in full of the author, title of the publication in italics, name of the journal in quotation marks, year of publication, number of the journal, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • T. Zarębska, Ulica jako przestrzeń społeczno-kulturowa, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej” 1998, nr 3–4, s. 265. 

Conference materials - initial of name and surname in full of the author, the title of the paper in italics, indication [w:], name of the conference in italics, name of publication with dates, editorial board, place and year of publication, the identification of page with dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • D. Crowley, Polska odnaleziona w Tatrach – regionalne, narodowe i międzynarodowe cechy stylu zakopiańskiego, [w:] Sztuka około 1900 w Europie Środkowej, Materiały międzynarodowej konferencji zorganizowanej w dniach 20–24 października 1994, red. P. Krakowski, J. Purchla, Kraków 1997, s. 195–197.

Catalogs of exhibitions, collections, etc. - initial of name and surname in full of the author, title in italics, indication [w:], title in italics, exhibition/collections catalog, place of exhibition, editor, place and year of publication, the abbreviation of page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • K. Buczek, Rzut oka na dzieje kartografji polskiej, [w:] Katalog wystawy zbiorów kartograficznych Bibljoteki Narodowej w Warszawie, katalog wystawy, Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa 1934, s. 13.
  • Katalog atlasów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Wilnie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbioru J. Lelewela i map Polski, katalog zbiorów, red. M. Dzikowski, Wilno 1934–1940, s. 523.

Introduction to a book, catalog, etc. - initial of name and surname in full of the author, introduction to the title of the publication in italics, editor, place and year of publication, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • K. Kalinowski, wstęp do Lituano-Slavica Posnaniensia. Studia Historiae Artium t. V, red. K. Kalinowski, Poznań 1992, s. 5.

Book review - initial of name and surname in full of the author of the review, title of the review in italics, review title of the book reviewed in italics, initial of name and surname in full of the author of the book reviewed in italics, name of the journal in quotation marks, year of publication, journal number, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot, page number, dot, e.g.:

  • E. Bergman, recenzja Bramy nieba. Bóżnice drewniane na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, M. Piechotka, K. Piechotka, „Biuletyn Historii Sztuki” 1999, nr 3/4, s. 479.

Internet sources, always annotated with the date of access in square brackets [dostęp:], e.g.: 

  • R. Mienicki, Z przeszłości województwa połockiego, „Ziemia. Tygodnik Krajoznawczy Ilustrowany”, 1913, r. 4, nr 14, s. 5–6, [dostęp: 22.08.2014]. 
  • A.Betlej, Kościół i kolegium Jezuitów w Owruczu, [dostęp: 08.08.2021].

Unpublished works - initial of name and surname in full of the author, the title of the study in italics, place and date of the study, „mps” (typescript) or „rkps” (manuscript), and information about the place of storage, e.g.:

  • A. Pawłowski, Dokumentacja z badań nad podłożem gruntowym i sposobem fundamentowania ściany zachodniej skrzydła zachodniego, prowadzonych metodą szybików górniczych w 1990 r., Malbork 1990, mps w archiwum Muzeum Zamkowego w Malborku. 

Archives - initial of name and surname in full of the author, title/type of document, name of archive/institution storing the document, name of archive unit, signature, page or card number.

  • G. Briano, projekt zespołu kolegium jezuickiego w Przemyślu, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, ark:/12148/btv1b8448833s, k. 3v.


* If an archive or archive unit is cited many times in the text, when the first time it is cited, after its name, should be added the abbreviation of the archive's name in round brackets for use in the next footnotes.


Rules for the re-citation:

In footnotes, use Latin references: „op. cit.”; if an author refers to an author or publication cited in a previous footnote, use: „ibidem”; „idem”; „eadem”; „eidem”; „eaedem”.

If the author cites a document from the previous footnote use „ibidem”, e.g.: Ibidem, s. 34. If the same page is cited, „ibidem” alone should be written.

If the author cites a document from one of the previous footnotes, repeat the initial of the cited author's name and surname in full, the beginning of the title ending with the ellipsis, „op. cit.” and the page number, e.g.:

  • T. Zarębska, Teoria urbanista włoska..., op. cit. s. 7.

If the author cites another work by the same author in the previous footnote, abbreviations should be used:

  • idem - for the male author, eadem - for the female author, eidem – for male authors, and eaedem - for female authors, e.g.:
  • T. Zarębska, Ulica jako przestrzeń społeczno-kulturowa, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej” 1998, nr 3–4, s. 265.  

another footnote:

  • Eadem, Teoria urbanistyki włoskiej XV i XVI wieku, Warszawa 1971, s. 7. 



Captions for illustrations should be written according to the template:

For photographs:

  • Location of the object, name of the object, definition of view/plan, project author's name and surname, and date of creation. Photograph: Name of the author of the photography, date the photography was taken, storage location and inventory number or signature (this applies to archival photographs).

For drawings /measurements:

  • Location of the object, name of the object, the definition of the view/plan, project name and surname of the author, date of creation. Measurements/drawings made(s) name and surname of the author, the date it was made, storage location and inventory number or signature (this refers to measurements and archival drawings).

For maps:

  • Name of location, type of document (map, plan, atlas), author (cartographer, draughtsman, copyist), scale, date of creation, place of storage and inventory number or signature (refers to archival maps).

When citing illustrations, should be added: „Wg” (according to) with the source of the illustration.


  • Warszawa, pałacyk Wilhelma Ellisa Raua, proj. Leandro Marconi, 1866–1868. Fot. Konrad Brandel, ok. 1875, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie. Wg: D. Jackiewicz, Fotografowie Warszawy. Konrad Brandel 1838–1920, Warszawa 2015, s. 60
  • Brzeżany, zamek, widok. Fot. Henryk Poddębski, 1929, Zbiory Fotografii i Rysunków Pomiarowych IS PAN, nr inw. 77777
  • Warszawa, ulica Koszykowa w okolicy skrzyżowania z ulicą Lwowską, widok w kierunku zachodnim. Fot. Czesław Witold Krassowski, 1950, Zbiory Zakładu Architektury Polskiej Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej (Zb. ZAP WAPW), Fototeka, Warszawa 1922-2020, sygn. 4444
  • Przemyśl, zespół kolegium jezuickiego, rzut parteru, proj. Giacomo Briano, 1622. Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, ark:/12148/btv1b8448833s, k. 3v
  • Berdyczów, zespół klasztorny karmelitów bosych, przekrój przez bramę wjazdową. Pomiar wykonali studenci WAPW: Marcin Klocek, Robert Kuźmiczuk, Marcin Sawicki, 1992, Zb. ZAP WAPW, sygn. 01672

In justified cases (e.g. repetitions), the author of the object should be ignored.


The whole article applies the continuous numbering of illustrations, in the case of component illustrations we describe them alphabetically: 1A, 1B, 1C, etc.

In the text cite illustrations according to the rule: (il. 5), (il. 7A, 7B), (il. 1, 3A) - in bold and in parentheses. All illustrations (excluding the title illustration) should be cited in order from 2 to x. All illustrative material, i.e. photos, drawings, maps, and charts are treated as illustrations with continuous numbering in Arabic numerals. The first illustration (illustration from No. 1) will be used as a „pre-title” illustration at the beginning of the article – it can be referred to in the text out of order (anywhere).

  • Illustrations should be prepared as separate files with the numbers in the file titles corresponding to the numbers from the descriptions.
  • Photos and scans in .tiff or .jpg format should be submitted at the highest possible resolution –minimum 300 dpi.
  • All illustrations in reduced resolution should be placed in a separate form, with captions in Polish and English.



The final bibliography should be split into sections:


* In the bibliography, the author notation should be used differently from the footnotes.


Published works:

Book by a single author - author's surname and name in full, the title of the publication in italics, place and date of publication, dot (in case of publication without author, title at the beginning), e.g.: 

  • Grzybkowski Andrzej, Gotycka architektura murowana w Polsce, Warszawa 2014.

Book by two or more authors – 1st author’s surname and name in full, 2nd author’s surname and name, etc, the title of the publication in italics, place and date of publication, dot, e.g.:

  • Bieńkuńska Magdalena, Grochulski Jerzy, Nowak-Janicka Małgorzata, Architektura w szkicach Profesora Politechniki Warszawskiej Stanisława Niewiadomskiego, Warszawa 2013.

Chapter in a monography (scientific editor or editors written after the title of the publication) – author’s surname and name in full, the title of the chapter in italics, indication [w:], the title of the monography in italics, editorship, place and date of publication, the abbreviation of the page identification with a dot and page range of the entire chapter, dot, e.g.:

  • Mrozek Józef Andrzej, Tradycja i awangarda w twórczości Adolfa Szyszko-Bohusza (na przykładzie wybranej grupy obiektów), [w:] Tradycja i innowacja, red. T. Hrankowska, Warszawa 1981, s. 275 –292.

Journal article – author’s surname and name in full, the title of the publication in italics, name of the journal in quotation marks, year of publication, year and/or journal number, abbreviation of the page identification with a dot and page range of the entire text, dot, e.g.:

  • Marczewski Kazimierz, Uwagi o urbanistyce i budownictwie regionalnym w Karpatach, „Architektura i Budownictwo”, 1939, nr 4–5, s. 38–40.

Conference materials – author’s surname and name in in full, the title of the paper in italics, indication [w:], name of the conference in italics, name of the publication with dates, editorial board, place and year of publication, abbreviation of the indentification of the pages with a dot and page range of the entire text, dot, e.g.:

  • Crowley David, Polska odnaleziona w Tatrach – regionalne, narodowe i międzynarodowe cechy stylu zakopiańskiego, [w:] Sztuka około 1900 w Europie Środkowej, Materiały międzynarodowej konferencji zorganizowanej w dniach 20–24 października 1994, red. P. Krakowski, J. Purchla, Kraków 1997, s. 195–203.

Catalogs of exhibitions, collections, etc. – surname and name of the author in full, the title of the text in italics, indication [w:], the title of catalog in italics, exhibition catalog, place of exhibition, editor, place and year of publication, abbreviated page identification with a dot and page range of the entire text, dot, e.g.:

  • Buczek Karol, Rzut oka na dzieje kartografji polskiej, [w:] Katalog wystawy zbiorów kartograficznych Bibljoteki Narodowej w Warszawie, katalog wystawy, Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa 1934, s. 11-25.
  • Katalog atlasów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Wilnie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbioru J. Lelewela i map Polski, katalog zbiorów, red. M. Dzikowski, Wilno 1934–1940.

Introduction to a book, catalog, etc. – author’s surname and name in full, introduction to the title of the publication in italics, editorial board, place and year of publication, the abbreviation of the page identification with a dot and a range of pages of the introduction, dot, e.g.:

  • Kalinowski Konstanty, wstęp do Lituano-Slavica Posnaniensia. Studia Historiae Artium t. V, red. K. Kalinowski, Poznań 1992, s. 3-6.

Book review – name and surname in full of the author of the review, title of the review in italics, review title of the reviewed book in italics, initial of name and surname in full of the author of the reviewed book, the name of the journal in quotation marks, the year of publication, the journal number, the abbreviation of the page identification with a dot and page range of the entire text, dot, e.g.:

  • Bergman Eleonora, recenzja Bramy nieba. Bóżnice drewniane na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, M. Piechotka, K. Piechotka, „Biuletyn Historii Sztuki” 1999, nr 3/4, s. 475–487.

Internet sources, always with annotated with the date of access in square brackets, the authorss surname and name in full, title of text in italics, link [dostęp (accessed):], e.g.:

  • Betlej Andrzej, Kościół i kolegium Jezuitów w Owruczu, [dostęp: 08.08.2021]      


Unpublished works:

Unpublished works – author’s surname and first name in full, the title of the study in italics, place and date of the study, „mps”(typescript) or „rkps” (manuscript) and information about the place of storage, dot, e.g.:

  • Pawłowski Andrzej, Dokumentacja z badań nad podłożem gruntowym i sposobem fundamentowania ściany zachodniej skrzydła zachodniego, prowadzonych metodą szybików górniczych w 1990 r., Malbork 1990, mps w archiwum Muzeum Zamkowego w Malborku.

Archives – the name of the archive/institution storing the document, the name of the archive unit, the signature, the page or card number and, after a colon, the title/type of document.

Referenced archives should be cited by archives and archive units in the structure:

  • Archive Name:
    • Name of archive unit
      • title/type of document, date of creation, signature.
      • title/type of document, date of creation, signature.

For example:

  • Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie 
    • Księgi miejskie Brześć Zespół nr 106
      • Wyroki sądów starościńskich z apelacji od sądów wójtowskich i burmistrzowskich m. Brześcia, 1740-1786, sygn. Brześć 9/2.
      • Akta wójtowskie i radzieckie m. Brześcia, 1540-1628, sygn. Brześć 1.
    • Komisja Rządząca
      • Treść ekspedycji wyszłych z Kancelarji Komisji Rządzącej - sierpień 1807, 1807, sygn. 16.