The list of Thesis Supervisors - AY 2023/24:
An editable version of the Diploma Card may be downloaded from the website:
It should be completed and sent to the Thesis Supervisor (please keep the version editable).
The submitted Diploma Card is uploaded by the Thesis Supervisor to MS Teams, where the dean’s committee performs the procedure of approval of the proposed diploma thesis subjects. The status of the Diploma Card (approved/rejected for corrections) is visible only to the thesis supervisor, so the thesis supervisor should be contacted within the deadline and if the Diploma Card is not approved, it should be corrected and sent to the thesis supervisor again.
Please follow the deadlines listed below regarding the procedure of submission of Diploma Cards:
21.12.2023 - an editable version of the Diploma Card is published on the website
By 15.01.2024 (Monday) – time to discuss the subject of the diploma thesis with the thesis supervisor and to send to the supervisor the editable version of the completed Diploma Card
By 29.01.2024 thesis supervisors upload Diploma Cards submitted by graduates to MS Teams,
By 19.02.2024 the dean’s committee for approval of diploma thesis subjects. The Status of the Diploma Card (approved/rejected for corrections) is visible to the thesis supervisor only. Please contact the thesis supervisor after 19.02.2024.
By 26.02.2024 – corrections of Diploma Cards, submission of corrected Diploma Cards to the thesis supervisor
By 29.02.2024 - thesis supervisors upload corrected Diploma Cards to Ms Teams (the deadline)
Important! Signatures of the graduate and the thesis supervisor are not required on the Diploma Card!
Diploma Cards, issued in January 2024 are valid until November Diploma Session 2024.
Consultations with at least three specialists are required while working on the diploma project (consultations with persons from outside the Faculty of Architecture or WUT may be conducted but as an additional consultation, i.e the forth one). The selection of consultants is determined by thesis supervisor and requires his/her approval.
The students who declared Interdisciplinary Diploma Seminar during the registration for the courses for the summer semester enroll in the USOS system for consultations.
The students who had been struck off the register of students enroll in the USOS system for consultations too. In case of any problems, please contact: usos.arch@pw.edu.pl
1. Consultations should start by 30 March (during the holidays consultants do not run consultations).
2. The last consultation and entering the credit for consultations in USOS must take place at least 14 days before diploma submission (before the first upload to APD). If the deadline is not met, the diploma applicant will not be admitted to the defence.
Schedule of registration for consultations in the academic year 2023/2024
11.03.2024 from 19:00 - 18.03.2024 to 23:59
By 25.03.2024 consultants will publish information on the dates and form of diploma consultations.
By 30.03.2024 consultations should be started (all three)
By 15.07.2024 consultations should be finished (also in case of defence in September/October – during the holidays the consultations are not held)
Diploma consultations should not have the form of project classes or make-up courses. The student is obliged to present the issue, problem for consultation. The consultant shall give relevant information, refer to literature, point to advantages and disadvantages of the project proposal etc. The total time of consultation meetings for one diploma applicant should not exceed 15 minutes, which is equivalent to 1 class hour. The number of consultations meetings should not exceed for example 3x15. After the last meeting, credit for consultations should be entered in the USOS system. In justified situations, the thesis supervisor should be contacted.
Consultations may not be held during the holidays of staff members; therefore, it is important to start and finish them as soon as possible.
The list of consultants is available in attached link:
Deadline in July and in September 2024 is basic for diploma work started in January 2024. On students’ request positively referenced by the promoter, in justified cases (through Usos system - Application for a correction date for the diploma session - no later than September 6), there is a possibility for thesis defense in November 2024, during additional session of diploma exams.
Candidates restoring studies for defense submit at the Dean's Office a resumtion form:
The graduation proceedings in first-cycle (engineering) degree programmes at the Faculty of Architecture comply with the REGULATIONS on Engineering Diplomas, adopted by the Board of the WUT Faculty of Architecture:
DETAILED INFORMATION on engineering diploma proceedings:
PLEASE NOTE: Formal Regulations regarding presentation and exam will be changed/updated soon. The change in the regulations concerns the diploma defense formula: the change is as follows:
The public defence of the diploma thesis should not last more than 1.5 hours (including the diploma examination). The defence consists of: description of the thesis by the author (no more than 15 minutes), review of the thesis (no more than 10 minutes), possible questions from Board members, responses to the Board’s questions and review (no more than 15 minutes) and discussion. Right after the end of the diploma thesis defence begins the closed part of the diploma examination.
The diploma will be ready for collection (within 30 days from the date of graduation) from the Students Register Department (room 114 at the main building of WUT-Pl. Politechniki 1) provided an e-clearance in USOSweb has been successful. The e-clearance is issued by the Dean’s Office on completion of the diploma exam session. Information that the diploma is ready for collection will be visible after logging in to Usosweb.
Editing guidelines for diploma theses:
APD instruction:
Bsc thesis fiche:
Questions for the defense of the thesis: