Konferencja naukowa - The Future Design of Streets w Guimarães w Portugalii (26-27.06.2025)
Zapraszamy do udziału w II międzynarodowej konferencji urbanistycznej pt. The Future Design of Streets, która odbędzie się w dniach 26-27 czerwca 2025 roku w Guimarães Cultural Centre w Portugalii. Termin składania artykułów/posterów mija 15 lutego 2025 roku.
Od organizatorów (ang):
Our second international conference, the Future Design of Streets, will gather actors/players from diverse fields and contexts to reflect, debate, and share knowledge and experiences on designing and planning better streets for current and future generations. Over two days, it will connect academia with practitioners, bridging theory and best practices.
The two-day conference will include presentation sessions for scientific dissemination, as well as plenary sessions with keynote speakers, which will include various creators from the public and private sectors, academia and other institutions and associations.
DAY 1 - june 26th - Parallel scientific dissemination sessions.
DAY 2 - june 27th - Keynote Speakers Plenary sessions.
The conference is organised by ´the Future Design of Streets association’ in collaboration with the ‘EAAD School of Architecture, Art, and Design’ and the research unit ‘Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT),’ both from the University of Minho, and will take place at the Centro Cultural Vila Flor in Guimarães, Portugal.
For more information, we have the following links, and you can always contact us by e-mail conference.streets.2025@gmail.com.
More information about the conference https://thefuturedesignofstreets.eu/conference-2025/
We look forward to seeing you there!