Dean's Office Announcements

Important information in English.

Practical Survey Training - 1st possible term - information for the students of the 4th semester

Term: May 22-25, 2022,

Place: Przysucha 

Limit of places: 10

Teachers: dr inż. arch. Piotr Kauroczyński and Karol Argasiński. 

Registration by email: until May 11, 2022.
The order of applications decides on participation in the training.


04.05.2022 (Wednesday) classes for a missing Tuesday

According to the Academic Calendar - in the spring semester the classes on May 4th (Wednesday) will be held according to the Tuesday schedule

Library training - additional term (prolongation)

The Library Training Course will be available: March 21 - April 24, 2022

The recruitment process for the Erasmus + program for 2022/23 AY

The recruitment process for the Erasmus + program will be available via the USOS system from 05/03/2022 to 16/03/2022

Registration for the Polish courses, summer semester 2021/22

Registration from  February 21st, 2022 only via USOS

Registration for the subjects for the spring semester 2021/22 - additional term

Re-registration through USOS for all subjects (including subjects from the previous semesters) will take place from 24.02.2022  7.00 p.m. until 26.02.2022  11:59 p.m.

Information on Academic English course - IDEAS program, semester II

Information on Academic English course – continued (no need to register) is available here:

Classes start: 2 March 2022

Universal Design - II semestr 2021/22

The first lecture of the series Universal Design by prof. Ewa Kuryłowicz in summer semester 2021/22 will take place on Thursday , March 3rd ,in format possible, i.e. in the lecture hall 103 or on line

Remote classes and exams from January 24 until February 22, 2022.

In the interest of the safety of the WUT community, remote classes and exams are introduced from January 24 until February 22, 2022.

Online Meeting for International Students

An online meeting for international students will be held on December 20, 2021, at 3:15 pm.

Remote classes from 20 December 2021 to 9 January 2022

According to the Rector’s Decision no. 334/2021 of 8 December 2021, in the period from 20 December 2021 to 9 January 2022, all classes shall be taught remotely.

Registration for the vaccination - new term December 10 (Friday)

You can still register for the first dose (for unvaccinated individuals) and a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Erasmus+ online information meeting

We invite all students interested in participating in Erasmus+ programme to the online information meeting on December 9 organised by Erasmus Office of WUT

Information about Faculty during COVID-19

This section will list all important information about functioning of our Faculty during COVID-19

Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting

We would like to invite students, doctoral candidates, academics and administrative staff to take part in the Second Language Tandem Kick-Off Meeting. During the meeting, we will present the project and explain how you can use it to learn foreign languages. Below you can find the agenda for the meeting and the link for registration.

Library training for 1st year students (IDEAS programme)

The Library Training Course will be available: October 25 - November- 5, 2021  (for all students who study in English as the language of instruction)

Health and Safety training for the 1st year students (IDEAS program) 2021_22

The training will be available till October 15, 2021 through the Microsoft Teams. In case of any questions please contact:

Ms. Elżbieta Zakrzewska ( 

The inaugural ceremony of the academic year 2021/2022

Functioning of WUT in the winter semester 2021/2022

We predict that education (in all forms) will be conducted in the mixed-mode, which means remote classes for large lecture and seminar groups and in-person classes in all other cases. 

The rules of registration for the classes - IDEAS programme

The rules of registration for the classes - IDEAS programme - winter semester 2021/22

Registration for the Polish courses, winter semester 2021/22

Registration for the Polish courses, winter semester 2021/22 - IDEAS Programme