Bachelor Degree in Architecture

Studies in English - General information

Integrated Design of Efficient Architectural Solutions – IDEAS, the new studies course in Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture, is open to both Polish and foreign students. The new course’s intended international attraction, its curriculum, number of teaching hours and intended pedagogical effects meet with the requirements of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Chamber of Polish Architects. Since graduates, on completing their studies at the master level, shall be able to apply for professional licences, the proposed four year cycle of studies is planned to have a general academic profile. Special emphasis, in line with will the existing criteria, is to be placed on knowledge, skills and social competence.

Compared with the currently operating curriculum in engineering studies at the Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology, the proposition here contained is regarded as innovative. The flexible teaching formula is intended to allow students to develop intellectual predispositions and practical abilities that should permit in future employment active participation in the creative process of designing in urban and rural areas. Simultaneously, the scope of proposed knowledge should enable an acquisition of skills in identifying cultural values alongside the application of efficient economy measures. Special attention is to be paid to the circular economy solutions in building projects, architectural design and urban planning, including harmonious location of designed volumes within pre-existing surroundings. A vital area of required knowledge which in the current curriculum accounts for a small margin of the study time, will be ensuring the maximum creation energy efficiency of buildings, with particular attention being paid to occupants’ access to daylight and visual contact with the surrounding environment, while maintaining adequate technical parameters in the building’s design.

The teaching process in planning and designing urban spaces is to be provided through the application of architectural tools, as well as reference to a variety of interdisciplinary subjects: the fine arts, architectural and town-planning theory, the history of architecture, economics of building investments, basic management method in design processes, with emphasis placed on BIM (Building Information Modelling) techniques, state-of-the-arts computer technologies and software aiding with an aim towards best case design scenarios. The programme is devised to allow future graduates from the Faculty of Architecture to undertake the professional tasks of a designer, while equally preparing those who wish to become project managers in all or part of building investment process, developers’ and contractors’ representatives, land investment or real estate consultants.

The subject matter covered in lectures and design seminars is intended to both propagate and implement knowledge permitting a formation of adequate and practical design skills to encourage the aesthetic creation of architectonic volumes, as well as assure students adequate knowledge in their future professional life. The design approach is enriched with the issues of strategic management required in each design undertakings – one of the most important issues in the architect’s professional life, allowing to create buildings possessing not only additional architectural quality, but also cost effectiveness alongside meaningful consideration for the environmental, health and overall well-being.

The proposed curriculum for undergraduate students’ lectures and seminars has been prepared to cover more than design exclusively; i.e. from the design’s concept phase, through the construction process, a given building’s function, subsequent modernisation and life cycle assessment, as well as the possible recycle processing of chosen structural components, building and finishing materials, etc. These and other issues from outside the direct design process should guarantee students practical knowledge and abilities .

Due to the fact that applicants to the English Engineering studies may come from countries where the scope of education is not compatible with the skills expected from Polish high schools/sixth form colleges, applicants, after providing necessary documents shall be expected to take the entrance exam to the Faculty of Architecture WUT. Accepted applicants acquiring student status, are also expected to participate in a preparatory course that shall form an integral part of the curriculum, including fine art techniques as well as lectures and seminars on Polish architecture and culture.

The main area of studies will be conducted as an “atelier” under the guidance of chosen academic teachers employed at the Faculty of Architecture WUT. All design subjects and interdisciplinary lectures and seminars will form a unified educational block for students studying through semesters 1 to 4, with a possible additional selection of workshops and interdisciplinary seminars during semesters 5 to 8, with respect to individual choice and areas of interest. The studies in engineering conclude with the composition of a diploma design thesis which must be presented orally before an examination board.

Study Plan IDEAS (pdf, 60,86 kB)
Study plan IDEAS 2020 (pdf, 61,60 kB)


Recruitment rules

Information for foreign Candidates:

Please follow the instructions given there


Citizens of foreign countries applying for studies in English at Warsaw University of Technology have to register within defined timeframe at

Each Applicant will establish their own account in the online application system, which will be used for delivering of information and data concerning recruitment process.

1st Phase

In 2025, the graphic task will have to be prepared in real time during an online meeting organised by the Faculty on 6 June. The time of the test will be announced after the end of enrolment and will be adjusted according to the time zones where Candidates will be at the time of the exam

During 1st Phase a Candidate can receive up to 60 points for presented Examination Task solution

Example of TASK (pdf, 122,61 kB)

23th June 2025:

  - each of the Candidates will receive following information and data in the application system:

- number of points received after 1st Phase

- information on the acceptance or non-acceptance to the 2nd Phase 


2nd Phase

25th – 27th of June 2025 – individual qualification meetings will be conducted with the Candidates, either personally or on-line 

Each Candidate can receive up to 40 points during 2nd Phase.


A maximum number of points which can be received during Phase 1 and 2 does not exceed 100.


3rd July 2025:

  - each of the Candidates will receive the following information and data in the application system:

- number of points received after 1st & 2nd Phase

- information on  qualifications for the English Studies in Architecture 


Candidates who have been qualified for the English Studies in Architecture are requested to submit through the system all required documents from 16th  July through 24th  August 2025. The documents (in pdf format) which are listed in the necessary documents


The deadline of submission the originals of necessary documents is November 1st 2025